Sunday, June 10, 2012

1. Why do action research?

Action research is the process of researching information through the use of movement. This movement may be people who work together on teams in order to improve an immediate problem. Through action this problem can be resolved in a timely manner.

Action Research is a very important aspect to any business or organization, for it allows for growth through reflecting and redirecting. Information collected in the area of interest is used in a "hands on" approach in order to help better the organization. In order for information and changes to be proven helpful, it must be tested in order to see the impact it can have. Through action research, ideas are put to work in order to observe change and see how they work. Many times researchers will look into specific information and how to solve specific issues, however; these ideas are not always acted upon leaving alternate routes of handling a situation un touched.

2. How does action research work in educational settings?

Action research is used very often in the school systems through many angles, such as formal and informal assessments, community/cultural building, and staff development to name a few. One example of this being used is in our schools when teachers attend staff development. Each year we are sent to multiple training during the year and the summer season, while at these trainings we are expected to gain information about how to better teach, discipline and connect with our students. (Depending on which workshop topic) While these trainings are heavily researched methods prior to meeting with us, these are also still continuing to be researched on. For example, we may learn about one method of assessing students, while researchers are working with students to prove a more effective assessment. This is one example of action research working well for students, for once we receive the new methods, we will begin to pursue them in hopes to find out some more and better ways to help students. Not all students learn the same way and enjoy being taught the same way. Through action research this information was developed and founded about multiple personalities and learning styles. Teaching a very hands- on field and information is constantly changing. Through action research we gain access to some of the best teaching techniques with an active approach.

3. Reflections

After looking into action research further, I have realized that we do this yearly as teachers. We may research what works on a student and try again in order to see improvement. In my classroom I offer many opportunities for parents to be involved, however when events do not work as planned, I will rethink my ideas and try again. Action research does not always consist of long drawn out thinking however it does consist of locating a problem, finding a solution and testing it to see if this works.

Education is a very active profession. Some professions may not do as much hands on research as us, however there are many professions who do use this style. There is truly a method to the madness and by revisiting the "drawing board" we are able to continue working until we find better avenues and solutions to what we do daily.

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