Sunday, July 8, 2012


I would have to say one topic of greatest interest that I have gained from this course, would be the idea of always researching actively ways to improve. Through speaking with my mentor throughout this course I have learned about several different avenues in which teachers and administrators are always looking for new ways to improve. This is usually done through action research, and when these improvements are not put in place things remain the same without growth or positive change. I would say the researching actively to make improvements was a very mind opening experience.

I want to learn more about how to implement these changes in schools and how to group committees to help us better our schools. I read where one of my classmates had stated she could not have imagined gathering all of this information during the school year while leading a team of 11 teachers. I would agree with her strongly, and in agreeing I would like to find better ways to organize these plans while managing my time well. Improvement always needs to take place, improvements lead to growth, and when we do not grow we find ourselves stabilizing. I do not want to be an administrator or a teacher at a stabilizing campus, however I will need to know how to continue to group teachers and to "pump them up in order to keep us growing.

In order to continue growth in this area, I will continue to work with my principals in order to see how I can help our current campus, that way, I will have experience when I become an administrator at a different campus or a campus of my own. I will also learn new ways and new avenues that schools and districts are using through looking up current information, reading journals, and attending conferences. These ideas can be brought back to my own campus and modified to fit our school demographics and needs.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Research Action Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: To increase parent involvement in our schools and ultimately decreasing negative behaviors and increasing academic performance. In the location where I teach the parent involvement is very minimal and I am interested in “turning the tables” in order to do what is best for our students.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Introduction of the plan to staff members

Data collection on how many students will be involved

Kelli Love
8/20 – 8/31

* cannot begin until the 20th with data collection for school doesn’t start until the 27th
Tracking sheets for classes
(to be created prior to)

Teacher Time

 Initial interview

Data collection
First 2 weeks of data collection and initial meetings with the students

Kelli Love/ Grade level staff
9/3 – 9/14
Tracking Sheets

Teacher Time/ observations

 Survey Monkey

Teacher interviews

Data Collection

Continuous collection of data through class work, participation, parent involvement increase or decrease, and district benchmark data

Kelli Love/  Grade level staff
9/24 – 5/3
Tracking Sheets

Teacher Time/ observations

Survey Monkey

Teacher Interviews

Data Collection

Benchmark Data

Present Findings and Reports from the research

Kelli Love
June 2013
All Resources used
Computer Software and data collected from tracking sheets, observations, and survey monkey
All Data Collected

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Throughout this course, I am constantly reevaluating the next thing to change. Continuing to wonder what I can alter and make better. As an administrator this is a necessary to continuously reflect and think of ways to make thing better. Always continue to wonder what may be worked on next and devote your mind to  helping fix this issue.

During this project research, I am constantly thinking about which topics may be approached in order to be researched about and help my school. I continue to reassure myself that I have chosen the best topic for the students in my area and our demographics for parent involvement and grades.

One thing I like a lot about action research, is that we are looking at many ways to help real situations that pertain to our campuses. Rather than researching information and writing about it without actual evidence and plans to implement these ideas in our school. Action research is to put into action, meanwhile researching is making ourselves aware of information pertaining to a specific subject. I truly enjoy being able to do both.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Purpose and Significance

My topic of focus for the action research project is to focus on parent involvement in our schools. While focusing on parent involvement I can also look at the affects that it can have on our students academics and behaviors. This is important to me in order for our students to learn the best they can. Everyone needs home support and if we can find ways to reach the additional support they need, we may be able to fix a broken link in the school system and possibly have better results in school. Speaking with my site supervisor, this is a relevant topic which can help aid in other areas, if we are able to find a way to connect with our parents. 

           Growing up in a family with two parents, I was one who always had parents involved in my education. My parents were my "driving force" behind me that kept me motivated and participating correctly in school everyday. My purpose for researching the affects of parent involvement is in order to find a way to help our students become successful in school and at home as well. Working at a Title I school, we have very limited parent involvement with their students education. In many scenarios, we may call home to find a number that does not work, or an uncooperative parent who does not want to participate in homework with their child. This affects the child ability to be successful as well as their view on the value of their education. Parent, teacher organization are intended to help bridge the gap between school and home, however their attendance is very slim which results in minimal to none activities. With the lowering amount of parents staying involved in their education, our campus has also noticed a dramatic increase in behavioral problems with several students. I personally believe that learning involves a network of people, including the parents, students and the I am going to further examine the affects of parent involvement, for every year at my campus students are changing, their behaviors are changing, and educating them is more challenging.


             As students develop socially and the curriculum they learn becomes more rigorous, they are in need of outside support. Teachers are able to support students in many ways however parents have a great power to influence as well. Understanding how to encourage parent help, will be a key component in student success.

Finding the career demographics of my area can also help me decide on times that are useful to the parents. Possibly inviting parents into the classroom during the school day to help or to read with students could be a positive activity as well. I would like our campus to function as a network system and involve the parents in this network as well. If I can better understand the parents' involvement, I hope to be able to help students be more successful in their learning, help them behave and find a network of people to help them control behaviors, lessening the time spent in ISS will enhance more time spent in the classroom learning material.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

1. Why do action research?

Action research is the process of researching information through the use of movement. This movement may be people who work together on teams in order to improve an immediate problem. Through action this problem can be resolved in a timely manner.

Action Research is a very important aspect to any business or organization, for it allows for growth through reflecting and redirecting. Information collected in the area of interest is used in a "hands on" approach in order to help better the organization. In order for information and changes to be proven helpful, it must be tested in order to see the impact it can have. Through action research, ideas are put to work in order to observe change and see how they work. Many times researchers will look into specific information and how to solve specific issues, however; these ideas are not always acted upon leaving alternate routes of handling a situation un touched.

2. How does action research work in educational settings?

Action research is used very often in the school systems through many angles, such as formal and informal assessments, community/cultural building, and staff development to name a few. One example of this being used is in our schools when teachers attend staff development. Each year we are sent to multiple training during the year and the summer season, while at these trainings we are expected to gain information about how to better teach, discipline and connect with our students. (Depending on which workshop topic) While these trainings are heavily researched methods prior to meeting with us, these are also still continuing to be researched on. For example, we may learn about one method of assessing students, while researchers are working with students to prove a more effective assessment. This is one example of action research working well for students, for once we receive the new methods, we will begin to pursue them in hopes to find out some more and better ways to help students. Not all students learn the same way and enjoy being taught the same way. Through action research this information was developed and founded about multiple personalities and learning styles. Teaching a very hands- on field and information is constantly changing. Through action research we gain access to some of the best teaching techniques with an active approach.

3. Reflections

After looking into action research further, I have realized that we do this yearly as teachers. We may research what works on a student and try again in order to see improvement. In my classroom I offer many opportunities for parents to be involved, however when events do not work as planned, I will rethink my ideas and try again. Action research does not always consist of long drawn out thinking however it does consist of locating a problem, finding a solution and testing it to see if this works.

Education is a very active profession. Some professions may not do as much hands on research as us, however there are many professions who do use this style. There is truly a method to the madness and by revisiting the "drawing board" we are able to continue working until we find better avenues and solutions to what we do daily.